LONGVIEW - Longview High yesterday played the best game of football on this season's schedule despite the fact that the game with Marshall High was lost by a score of 14 to 6.
Good, straight football all through the game and the last seven points made by the Marshall team were won, it is believed only because of the darkness. A trail, double pass and the darkness confused the local team and the ball was lost sight of in the dark, giving the visitors team another lead.
Crickett White, one of the youngest players on the team, was the hero. His quick tackles and locks on the big Marshall boys felled them hard and on several occasions the heavier the players on the Marshall team were nearly laid out.
Chalmers McHany was another star of the game but in the second quarter he suffered a broken arm received in a tackle. It is thought that McHaney received his hurt either in the fall or by someone stepping on his arm.
Longview lost the game almost entirely on fumbles. Marshall's first touchdown was gained on Vernon Jone's fumbled in the first quarter. This gave the visiting team the lead. The additional seven points gained, cannot be counted against Longview's playing. The play gave Marshall a twenty-five yard gain and put them within a few feet of the goal.