LONGVIEW - A smooth, speedy Tyler High School team shredded the Longview line tackle to tackle if not from stem to stem here Friday night to hang the Lobos their worst licking to date, 20 to 0.
The Wolves played a whale of a ball game for roughly five minutes when they took the opening kickoff and drove 80 yards to the Tyler five; but the drive bogged down there and they never generated much of a punch thereafter. After the Lobos had fired their blast, a quartet of speed merchants - Don Flynn, Ronnie Neill, Boyd Murphy and Herchel Lyle - started doing a workmanlike job of rolling up the yardage. t was Murphy who score all three touchdowns, but he was not necessarily the standout back. Those four youngster got some help from Albert Hill, who is playing in the fullback slot his father filled 22 yards ago this fall to help Tyler win its only state schoolboy championship; and they did everything they were supposed to do and did it well. Less than three minutes from the end of the second quarter the Lions capped a long drive with their first score. The Lobo defense had stiffened and held a couple of times but this time the Lions worked the ball to the Lobo nine and pulled the ancient Statue of Liberty play to send Murphy across just inside the Lobo left end. Flynn converted. Somebody read to the Lions out of the book during the intermission because when they came out to start he second half they were loaded. They took the kickoff about their own 20 and returned it to their 25. At that point the Lobo forwards started looking like the guy the truck ran over, because something that was about a first cousin to a Mack truck started to work on them. The Tyler forwards started ripping holes in the Lobo defense while the following happened. Murphy picked up 38 yards and a first down on the Lobo 40. Neill got 15 more and a first on the 25, Lyle hit the Wolves' left tackle, cut back down the middle and ran 14 to the 11. Neill picked up one https://lobohistory.com, Lyle got three, Neill made one more to the six and from there Murphy rumbled inside Longview's right end for all that was necessary. Flynn converted again for a 14-0 lead. The Lions showed in the fourth quarter that they were still tougher than the back end of a Kilgore shooting gallery when they counted again. This time the play by play went like this: Longview kicked out of bounds on the Tyler 32. Flynn picked up two, Neill got 13 more and a first down and Morris Mayo ran to the 50. Murphy got 10 more to the Lobo 40. Neill bounced the Lobo left tackle for 12 and then picked up four more tot he 24. That's where Flynn pitched out to Murphy and the 178-pounder who runs like Assault might have run on his best day with a cocklebur under his tail, went around the Wolves' right end for the score. That was it. The Lobo line, which had spotted Corsicana a gift touchdown on the opening play of last week's game and then out-fought them to win, was no match for the Tyler forwards. The blue boys rolled up 303 yards and rushing to 114 for Longview and made 19 first downs to nine for the Wolves. Bobby Crawford did some fine kicking as usual and with Dodson and Parker helping out with some hard-driving leather lugging they turned in a creditable showing. But the usually sharp Lobo passing game bogged down also with only four completions in 20 attempts. |