LONGVIEW - Longview High School's powerful Lobos continued their victorious march here Friday night and opened their 1937 conference schedule with a 46 to 0 win over the crippled Bulldogs of Kilgore High.
The Lobos had little trouble in routing the second and third string Kilgore players, who were in the lineup fighting a hopeless task while first stringers sought to recover from injuries in time to save the Bulldogs' faces for the remainder of the season. Coach Bob Waters' team will journey to Marshall next Friday night. Only two Kilgore first string backs got in the game and they played briefly. Bruce Divers played about a quarter as a test for a leg injury that has bothered him all season. Morris Shepherd was in the lineup part of the game. Coach P.E. Shotwell, who had 47 men in uniform, apparently didn't care to "pull his punches," for he kept his strong first team in the game most of the night. There were never more than four second stringers on the field. Only two Bulldogs came out of the game with minor ailments. Big J.D. (Thor) Sheppard, who went to center when George Smith was shifted to the backfield, and John T. Jeter had knee injuries. The Kilgore team, led by Smith, Clay Kennedy, Silas Cherry, the Stevens boys and others, fought for all they were worth.But the task was a hopeless one from the start. Led by flashy Dick Miller, the Lobos started the scoring in the first period when Lebus shot a 15-yard pass to Cantrell, who ran 10 yards to score. Cantrell failed to convert. The second touchdown came when Dick Miller got loose for 17 yards. Cantrell kicked goal this time. The third touchdown was made by Dick Miller, and the back kicked goal. Worsham recovered a Kilgore fumble on the 2-yard line and Hardy Miller ran it over for the fourth tally. Another touchdown resulted when Cantrell passed to Morse over the goal line. Knox scored a tally when he took over Hardy Miller's 40-yard pass over the goal. One of Shepherd's passes was intercepted by Fambrough on Kilgore's 30-yard line, and he galloped over the goal line. |