SHREVEPORT - Stagging a rally in the third period that netted them a brace of touchdowns, followed by one in the closing chapter, the Byrd High School eleven defeated the Longview Loboes at Shreveport Saturday afternoon, 19 to 0, before a crowd estimated at 2,000 spectators.
The first half was slow and featureless, although it was hard-fought. The ball was alternately in both territories.
The weight of the Yellowjackets began to show up on the Loboes in the last half. Near the close of the third stanza Smith's pass to Fuqua resulted in a marker. The other two touchdowns were made by he scintillating Keasler, who proved to be a ball lugger par excellence.
The individual playing of Bivins for Longview and Keasler for Shreveport provided the thrills of the melee. Bovines played a superb defensive game, while it developed Keasler was the only man who could successfully penetrate the Longview line.
Shreveport made 17 first downs with seven penalties while Longview made two first downs and drew a pair of penalties.