Fair Park
Longview, Texas
Friday, October 14th, 1927
District 6-B
Leonard Ray
Leonard Ray
Jack Williams
Jack Williams
Bernie McCreary
First Downs
Rushing Yards
Passing Yards
LONGVIEW - Flashing mid-season form, the Longview Loboes steam-rolled the highly-touted Troup Tigers 35 to 0, here Friday afternoon in the first conference game of the season.

Perfect interference eluded the pigskin toters of the Loboes when needed and gaping holes were torn in the Tiger defense when line smashes were ordered. Coach Wilkinson's charges demonstrated their form repeatedly that has carried them over the top in three earlier victorious starts this season. Marshall Mavericks, the College of Marshall, and the Centenary Junior Gents have been successfully measured this season in pre-conference tilts.

Playing under sunny skies, the Troupers held the Loboes scoreless during the first quarter. The second quarter got under way with a series of end runs by Ross and Ray put the ball on the three line and Ross smashed through center for three yards and the first touchdown. Two more touchdowns were added in the period. Ray aded an extra for each touchdown and the score stood 21 to 0 in favor of Longview at the end of the half.

Rallying during the rest period, the Tigers came back and held the Loboes scoreless during the third quarter. The last quarter was marked with the resumption of Lobo scoring. A series of line plunges featured by a 5-yard center plunge by Ross and a five-yard gain by Ray on an off-tackle play put the ball on the 11-yard line. Williams took the ball on the next play and carried it around the end for 11 yards and a touchdown. Ray added the point after. Score, Longview 28, Troup 0.

Longview rushes across another count snappily after TRoup received the kickoff on their 14-yard line. Troup failed to put the ball out of danger on a bad punt and Ray of Longview recovered the ball and was downed on the nine-yard line. McCreary skirted the end for nine yards and counted the final touchdown. Ray kicked his fifth field goal following the touchdown on the following play. The score stood 35 to 0. The game ended with the ball in Longview's possession on their 20-yard line.

In the first quarter, McCreary kicked of to Kersh on 10-yard line and he returned to the 20-yard line. Maris makes 2 yards around left end. Ballew goes through center for a yard and Maris duplicated. Buster punts to the 41-yard line.

Ray has perfect interference and makes 10 yards around right end for the first Longview run and the first, first down of the game. Ross goes over tackle for 2 yards. Ray fumbles at the line but recovers without loss. Ross takes 2 yards off tackle. On the fourth down, Ross tries a pass but is unsuccessful.

Troup's ball on the 25-yard line. Ballew tries at the line but fumbles and Ray recovers the ball and it's Longview's ball on the 29-yard line.

Ross is out on an end run and loses a yard. Ray loses 5 yards. Ross tries the overhead way to Bivins but it is no good. McCreary punts to the 20-yard line.

Kersh and Ballew try the hidden pass but lose 10 yards. Foster punts to Ross on the 40-yard line and is dropped in his tracks.

Ray goes around left for three yards, McCreary hit the line for 2 more and another first down. Ray fumbles and Troup recovers.

Troup's ball on the 35-yard line. Tarbutton fumbles but Ballew recovers for Troup. Ballew fumbles and Fenton of Longview is on top of the ball.

Longview's ball on the 21-yard line. Ray edges over tackle for 3 yards. Ross takes 6 yards over the line. Ray has good interference and goes around left end for 11 yards and places the ball on the 13-yard line. Ross makes a yard around right end. Ros hits tackle for 5 yards as the quarter ends.

In the second quarter, Longview has the ball on the Troup 7-yard line. Ray hits center for 4 yards and a first down. Troup line hold like stone walls against Ray and he has to stop with a half yard. Ray hits center and goes over for a touchdown, the first one of the game.

Ray's toes is right and the try for the extra point is good.

Score...Longview 7, Troup 0.

McCreary kicks off to Ballew on the 10-yard line and he returns 15 yards to the 25-yard line. Maris tries around left end but is stopped in his tracks. Ballew loses 5 yards on another end plays and Foster punts out to the 42-yard line.

Longview's ball on the 42-yard line. With perfect interference, Ray goes around left end for 20 yards, placing the ball on the 22-yard line.

J. Foster goes in for Hale of Troup.

McCreary loses a yard and Ray makes 6 yards through the line. Ross makes 5 more for the first down and it is Longview's ball on the 11-yard line.

Johnson goes in for Sartain of Troup.

Ross goes through center for 3 yards then gains 4 more off tackle. Ross tries again but is held in his tracks. Ray wings around left with perfect interference and goes over for a touchdown. Ray kicks the ball square for the extra point.

Score...Longview 14, Troup 0.

McCreary kicks off to Smith on the 40-yard line and he returns the ball 5 yards to the 45-yard marker.

Ballew goes through center for a yard.

S. Killingsworth goes in for Fenton of Longview.

Ballew hits center for 2 yards. Smith makes 3 more through center and Ballew punts out to the 55-yard line.

Ray and his interference start out again and makes 9 yards around left end. Ray hides in the inference and makes 11 yards around right end. Ross makes 2 yards off tackle, and then goes through tackle for 8 more and a first down.

Ray and his gang go around left end for 11 yards. MCreary takes 9 yards off tackle. WIlliams makes 5 yard arounds left end but the Loboes are penalized for off sides and it is Longview's ball on the 13-yard line.

Ray goes around the end for 12 yards and a first down and Williams goes over for a touchdown.

Ray kicks the extra point to increase Longview's lead to 21-0.

Frances , Skipper, O. Owings, and Pliler go in for C. Owings, Glover, Harper, and Stinchcomb.

McCreary kicks off to Kassebaum on the 30-yard line and he returns the ball 10 yards.

Maris makes 1 yard around left end. Ballew goes through center for 4 yards. Kersh is stopped in his tracks and Ballew punts to Ross on the 40-yard line and he returns 20 yards.

Turner takes Meredith's place for Longview.

Longview ball on the 40-yard line. Williams tries a pass to Skipper but it is short.

Boring takes Bivins place.

Williams tries another pass to Ray but it is no good. McCreary punts behind the line.

Troup's ball on the 20-yard line.

Harmon goes in for Killingsworth of Longview.

Kassenbaum makes 2 yards through center as the half ends in favor of Longview, 21 to 0.

In the third quarter, McCreary kicks to Smith on the 25-yard line and he returns 6 yards.

Troup's ball on the 31-yard line. Smith goes around right end for 3 yards, Maris goes around left end for 4 yards and Foster punts to McCreary on the 45-yard line. He returns the ball 3 yards.

Williams loses 4 yards but he comes back on an end run and makes 8 yards. Ray makes a yard and Longview is penalized 15 yards for holding. McCreary punts to the 25-yard line. Troup is penalized for off sides but Longview takes the gain and loses the ball.

Troup's ball on the 25-yard line.

Ballew makes 4 yards though center. Tarbutton makes 4 yards off tackle. Ballew fumbles but recovers and makes a yard through the line. Troup is penalized 5 yards for back field in motion when the ball is snapped. Longview is then penalized for 15 yards for coaching from the sidelines.

Troup's ball on the 42-yard line.

Maris loses a yard and Ballew is then stopped in his tracks. Fenton breaks through the line and stops Maris with a 9 yard loss. Foster punts out on the 45-yard line.

Boring, Owings and Meadows go out for Stinchcomb, Harper and Killingsworth go in for Longview.

Ray makes 1 yard around left end. Williams loses a yard. McCreary punts to Maris on the 20-yard line and he comes back 3 yards.

Troup's ball on the 17-yard line.

Maris is stopped in his tracks. Foster punts to the 38-yard line.

Ray makes 9 yards through center on an indirect pass as the quarter ends.

In the fourth quarter, Longview took the ball on the 31-yard line.

Ross through center for 15 yards.

Ross hits tackle for 5 yards and Williams goes over for a touchdown.

Ray boots the ball between the posts for the extra point.

Score...Longview 28, Troup 0.

Bivins goes in for Skipper.

McCreary kicks to Maris on the 14-yard line but Williams is there to drop him.

Foster tries to punt but he is rushed and loses 4 yards. He kicks straight up and Rays the ball to the 9-yard line before he is stopped.

McCreary goes over for a touchdown and Ray kicks the extra point.

Score...Longview 35, Troup 0.

Foster kicks off to McCreary on the 30-yard line and he returns to the 34-yard marker.

Ray goes into hiding and gains 11 yards around left end.

Maris and Killingsworth out for roughing it. Jones goes in for Maris and Bivins in for Killingsworth.

Longview's ball on the 48-yard line.

McCreary makes a yard, Longview penalized 15 yards for holding. Ray then goes 14 yards off tackle. Ray goes around left and picks up another 12 yards. Williams makes 1 yard through tackle. Ross hits the line for 10 yards and Glover recovers for a first down.

Williams goes over center for 2 yards. Harmon goes in for Bivins. Ross makes 4 yards off tackle, then McCreary loses 4 yards. A forward pass on fourth down is no good and the ball goes to Troup on the 20-yard line.

Kersh gains 1 yard through the line. Smith punts to McCreary and it is Longview's ball on the 49-yard line.

Ross goes through center for 4 yards. Ross makes 2 yards off tackle. Ross hits tackle for 4 yards and it is a first down.

Turner goes in for Ray.

Ross goes 2 yards off tackle. Williams goes around left end for 6 yards. McCreary tries to pass but fumbles and makes 6 yards around end.

McCreary goes around left end for 4 yards.

Pliler goes in for Bivins.

Ross goes through tackle for 5 yards.

McCreary fumbles and recovers and loses 1 yard as the game ends.